Origins Series
Kyle is the first Jedi Knight ever and is brothers with the Dark Lord Jack. When the two where kids, they discovered a mysterious light in the woods and it gave them the ability to use the force! Kyle hid his gift and learned how to master his skills. Eventually, he trained Jack, but the two brothers began to have different ideas. Kyle wanted to protect people's rights, while Jack felt that corruption needed to be purged from the world, no matter the cost. The two eventually fought over the light, and Kyle released it from the woods in order to stop Jack. Kyle has trained two apprentices, Clark and Ross. Together, they fought against Jack and his allies in the great war, until he scarified himself to protect the light from Jack. His sacrifice, while unable to save the people of the world from Jacks weapon, did save the light and left Ross and Julie as guardians of it. His spirit now plays a game of chess with Jack in the netherworld of the force.
Jack is Kyle's brother and the first Dark Jedi ever! His life was one of pain and suffering while growing up. He never felt he was good enough and always living in his brothers shadow. As Kyle trained him, Jack began to get ideas of what to use his new power for. He believed that the world was corrupt and that it must be purged from the world, no matter how many lives it might cost. Jack exiled himself in the woods with his friend Elroy and together, they built an alliances of nations that felt the same way. As Jack moved to build an army of force users, Kyle attacked him and released the power of the light. This didn't stop Jack, who quickly ordered his allies to attack and left Elroy to die at the hands of the mysterious Beast. This came to haunt Jack, as the Beast took over Elroy. In a desprite final move, Jack detonated a weapon that would destroy all life on the planet, making sure his brother lost the war. Before Jack could see his victory, Ross stabbed him in the back, trapping Jacks soul in the netherworld of the force with Kyle.
Ross is Kyle's second apprentice, brother of Emily, and sworn enemy of Jack. When Emily was killed by Jack, Ross locked himself away from the world. He became of drunk and depression began to control his life. Then Kyle found him. Kyle knew there was something special about Ross and he trained him as a Jedi. The two fought many battles against Jack. Eventually, the two ventured into the woods in search of Emily's spirit. Ross fought Jack and was defeated, but saved from death by Kyle. Ross ran off into the woods, as his master ordered, but was captured by Bill. With Bills help, Ross saved Kyle and joined Bills daughter Julie in fighting the beast Elroy. In the end, Ross stabbed Jack in the back and promised Kyle that he and Julie would protect the Light forever.
Elroy is a long time friend of Jacks. He has been the most loyal person Jack has ever known. However, Jack did not notice this. After failing to stop Kyle from releasing the Light, Jack left Elroy to die in the woods at the hand of the mysterious Beast. Elroy was gone.... or was he. The Beast took over Elroy's body and took his name as his own. He attacked Jack and lost, but he was too important for Jack to kill. Jack needed his help. Together the two plotted to kill Kyle, while Elroy used Jack to find the location of the final Light. In the end, Elroy is defeated by Julie and Ross just before he got to the light. The Beast that Bill had tried to kill so so long ago was finally at peace.
Emily is Ross's sister and close friends with Kyle. She was killed by Jack when she discovered his plan to round up all corrupt leaders and exterminate them. Her death brought great pain to Kyle and Ross, and haunted Jack to this very day. For it was her death that officially marked Jack's fall to evil. Her memory stayed strong with Kyle, who imagined she was still alive at times when he needed someone to talk to. But a vision of her alive and well in the woods clouded Kyle's mind.
Kyle found Emily's spirit in the woods and she warned Kyle of a threat from Jack and the Beast, as they were looking for the last neutral source of force energy. What Emily knows of the future is unknown, but it is clear that so long as her spirit survives, she will do what she can to stop Jack.
Bill is a mysterious man. Not much is known about him, other then he is a true master of the force. He appears and disappears without warning. He lives in the woods, along with his people, who have lived in the woods for thousands of years. He knows more then anyone else does about the Beast. He has referred to it as his friend, and tells people that it would like nothing more then to kill anyone it see's. Bill appears to stay out of Kyle and Jacks affairs, unless it involves the Beast. The Beast wants to kill Bill, while Bill seems to have other ideas. Bill tried to kill the beast long ago and it has hunted him and his daughter Julie ever since. In a last ditch effort to slow the beast down til Kyle and Ross were ready to face it, Bill scarified himself to Jack and Elroy.
Clark is Kyle's first apprentice. He was the first one to fight at Kyle's side against Jack and the person who came up with the name, Jedi. As Kyle took on Ross as a new apprentice, Clark was sent to the front lines to lead the troops on the battle field against Jack's forces. He has become a good swordsmen and loyal friend. He came up with a plan to halt Jacks forces, but during his undercover mission, he was captured and brought to the woods to be interrogated. What fate awaits Clark is unknown, but one thing is for sure, he will not go down without a fight!
Julie is the daughter of Bill and a very powerful force user. She has lived for thousands of years, like Bill, because of the power of the Light. Julie was present at the start of the Purge, a move by Bill and his people to wipe out all of the Beasts in the world. Julie fought in the Purge, but exiled herself after her mother was killed. Julie spent decades in exile, training and learning the deep secrets of the force. She hoped that when she returned to her people, she would be able to defeat the last Beast. However things did not go as planned. She is paired up with Ross to teach him about the force. The two of them develop a bond and fight Elroy together. In the end, Julie promises Kyle, before he dies, that she will help Ross defend the light forever.
Keria is a member of the council of force users on the planet Tython. Shes become a very well respected member and has taken two students, Kor and Jadden, as her padawans. She is loyal and protective of them, warning them to stay out of matters that don't concern them when a new disturbance is felt in the force. While most seem concerned by this new discovery, Keria remains calm, choosing to trust in the council, even if it means people will die.
Kor is a padawan of Keria. He is headstrong and stubborn but always trying to do that right thing. He spends most of his time with his best friend Jadden, Keria's other padawan. Kor is brave and will face any threat that gets in his way. As a new disturbance in the force appears, Kor pushes the Tython council to act, but they refuse. Despite his masters warning, Kor decides to take matters into his own hands.
Jadden is a padawan of Keria. He has spent most of his years studying the history of the Tython council and learning about the force. His nervous and doesn't approve of breaking rules, even if he knows its the right thing to do. That being said, he stands up for his best friend Kor. When a new disturbance in the force appears, Jadden joins Kor in pushing the Tython council to act, but they reuse. Against Keria's warning, Jadden joins Kor on a quest to discover the truth behind this disturbance.
Very little is known about Silria. She is a queen of the dark side, living on a long dead planet on the far side of the galaxy. There, she spends most of her time with the ghosts of the dark side, including the ghost of Jack. This world is a place of exile for her, but from who or what we do not know. She will stop at nothing to have her revenge on the one that put her there.
Kate is a sister of Clark's and a close friend of Kyle, Ross and Emily. Before Jacks war, she was a peaceful scholar, helping her brother deal with his new found force abilities. But now, she helps lead a resistance cell, along with her sister Megan, fight back against Jacks corruption.
Megan is a sister of Clark's and a close friend of Kyle, Ross and Emily. Before Jacks war, Megan worked as a nurse at a local hospital. When the war broke out, Megan is quick to join her sister and stand up against Jack, as a member of a resistance cell.
An ascended being and member of the Vulterrens. Olma taught and guided Kyle during his time ascended. In the end, she taught Kyle how to communicate with the living world again but strongly encouraged Kyle not to rejoin his friends for it would only bring him pain. Kyle ignored her warnings and Olma must now watch Kyle pay the price for his choice.